The neighborhood’s new common ‘living room’

Frederiksborg Stadion at Favrholm

Stadionkvarter Favrholm ApS
Hillerød, Denmark

The stadium will serve as the heart of the Favrholm neighbourhood. In the development of this new area, PLH is part of the team behind crafting a dynamic space where the community can come together: Frederiksborg Stadium with 10,000 seats complete with a football academy and parking facility. This isn’t just a venue for thrilling soccer matches; it’s a vibrant ‘living room’ for its residents. In other words, it’s designed to be a gathering place for everyday life for the whole neighbourhood - even when there’s no game. It’s a space that invites connection, creating new communities and interactions. And as a special touch, the stadium offers spectators a breathtaking view of Frederiksborg Castle, blending modernity with history in a unique setting.

In progress
Elkiær + Ebbeskov Arkitekter - Lead consultant MASU Planning OJ Rådgivende Ingeniører

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